

Here stimuli and care meet.

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Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education

Discover what can be learned through practical and playful experiences.

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Elementary School

Elementary School

Develop the learning abilities of reading, writing, calculus and science.

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Middle School

Middle School

Teaching learning conditions with an integrated curriculum.

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Our priority is the never-ending pursuit of quality education.

To make this project a reality, we have a team of qualified and updated teachers, with an innovative teaching material and a committed pedagogical administration.

Your child’s bilingual education starts here!

Second language learning has its journey supported by the principles of the Montreal School educational program.

Through active methodologies, language acquisition and creative learning are developed and supported in what matters: critical thinking, resilience, autonomy and communication.

By developing these skills, the student becomes increasingly able to deal with the diversities and challenges of the world, in a lighter and more balanced way.

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Bright Futures
Texas Tech

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