Middle and High School
Middle School
From the 6th grade onwards, students can choose for immersion in the English language by signing up for a separate Middle School course, which takes place in an opposite shift of the regular school period. With 4 weekly classes, we integrate students into the American teaching model.
Studying the same subjects that American students study in the United States, through theoretical and practical activities, students develop the four English language skills in a dynamic and differentiated way.
In addition, the program promotes contact with American teachers from TTU K-12 and at the end of 8th grade, students are able to enter High School without having to take the exam.
To enter the TTU Middle School Program, students must take a Performance Level Test, a non-eliminatory test that helps the teacher adapt the material and classes.
High School
From the 9th grade of Middle School onwards, students can opt for the High School curriculum, hired separately, attending the classes in the opposite period.
The Duo Diploma Program, from Texas Tech University, allows students to earn a second diploma, with an academic curriculum identical to that of North American students.
In addition to the teacher in the classroom, there is the support of teachers located in Texas, who are responsible for correcting the activities and productions (Lessons Assignments).
Participation in High School is through passing the Entrance Exam. Therefore, to better prepare students who do not attend Middle School, we offer a two-week preparatory course, followed by a mock test, before taking the official test.
The official test is carried out online, in our school headquarter, following the security and monitoring requirements of Texas Tech University and consists of objective questions and an essay.
During High School, the student will take subjects defined by Texas Tech University that make up the American curriculum, being assessed through activities and productions.

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