Here stimuli and care meet.

Colégio Montreal Nursery is equipped for all the care your baby needs. The activity room, sleep room, lactation room and bathroom provide a safe and adequate space.
The diet is balanced, with the menu prepared and supervised by the school dietitian.
In addition to physical needs, stimuli and affection are premises for the development of our babies. Therefore, a qualified team of nursery specialists, together with health professionals, promote the necessary stimuli for the physical, psychological and cognitive development of our children.
Parents can rest assured that their greatest treasure is in good hands!
EnrollNursery 1 – Infants from 0 to 8 months.
Nursery 2 – Infants from 9 months to Early Toddlers: 14 months.
Nursery 3 – Toddlers from 15 to 18 months.
Multidisciplinary Health Staff: nurse, speech therapist, psychologist, physiotherapist and dietitian.
Full time for up to 12 hours, with a complete and balanced diet.
Digital agenda.
Monitoring app.

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